KSC and COVID-19
Return to this page for continuing updates.
UPDATE: Monday, May 17: Many significant changes to mask guidance have been happening lately. As a result, our church facilities will now be mask-optional. We hope that each person will consider the current guidelines when making their choice of whether or not to wear a mask. For some this is great news; others may feel that the move is premature. Please be considerate to one another, respectful of differing points of view, and mindful of the needs of those who remain vulnerable. Once again, we greatly appreciate your patience and grace as we continue to navigate the challenges of the coronavirus.
UPDATE: Sunday, January 31: While we believe masks are still very important, they will not be required in the Baker Center at 11:00 am. There are two doors which allow you to enter right into this space, but if you should plan to travel into the public spaces of the church, please remember that masks are required in these areas. This remains a fluid situation; we appreciate your flexibility and grace as we continue to navigate the pandemic.
UPDATE: Sunday, December 13: During the current rise in COVID-19 cases, we are asking that EVERYONE wear masks in ALL services, including the service at 11:00 am in the Baker Center and for all Christmas Eve services. We will re-evaluate the situation in mid-January.
UPDATE: Thursday, November 19: As all of us are aware, we are in the midst of a spike in positive cases of the coronavirus throughout Franklin County. We have received updates from health professionals at Chambersburg and Waynesboro Hospitals that the virus is affecting many people, hospital beds are full, and health care workers are overwhelmed. We also have direct reports from a small number of active KSC attenders who have recently tested positive for COVID 19. In light of this, the leadership of KSC is recommending that all those who choose to attend the 11am Baker service consider wearing a mask during the service. We recognize the many opinions regarding masks but this is our recommendation in light of current local circumstances and the input of healthcare professionals in our church. All other services will continue to be mask required. This is a fluid situation and we are reevaluating on an ongoing basis. Please continue to pray for unity in the body of Christ and for Jesus to be glorified in all that we do.
UPDATE: Tuesday, October 13: Starting this Sunday, we will return to 5 Sunday Worship Services, including a masks-optional service at 11:00 in the Baker Center. You can find a complete listing of services HERE.
UPDATE: Tuesday, September 1: Starting this Saturday (Sept. 5), our Saturday Evening Worship Service will begin at 6:00 pm so that we can take advantage of daylight.
UPDATE: Thursday, August 20: We are celebrating the return of another worship service – 9:30 am in the Sanctuary! This service will feature contemporary worship. As with all indoor services, masks are required and social distance seating will be utilized.
UPDATE: Monday, August 3: Even more on-site and online options beginning on August 9
- In addition to the 8:00 and 9:30 service times resuming on August 9 (see July 30 update below), we are excited to announce that we will also have a Contemporary Worship Service at 11:00 am in the Baker Center. As with all indoor services, masks are required and social distance seating will be utilized.
- Our online options will also increase on August 9 with the addition of two rebroadcasts: 11:00 will be a rebroadcast of the contemporary worship service and at 1:00 pm there will be a rebroadcast of the traditional service. Livestream options will continue to be available at 8:00 and 9:30 am (see July 30 update below).
UPDATE: Thursday, July 30: Changes coming on August 9
- On August 9, we will begin the return to our previous service times: at 8:00 am the traditional worship service will be held in the Sanctuary and at 9:30 am the contemporary worship service will be held in the Baker Center. Masks are required for indoor services and social distance seating will be maintained.
- Children’s Ministry will resume on August 9 for the 9:30 am hour. Parents MUST pre-register HERE by August 4.
- We will continue to offer a Saturday evening outdoor service at 7:00 pm in the parking lot of the Ministry Center.
- Online services will continue with the new times: 8:00 traditional service, 9:30 contemporary worship.
- We will hold communion with pre-packaged elements on Saturday/Sunday, August 8/9. We will also plan for a baptismal service to be held outside on Saturday, August 29.
UPDATE: Thursday, July 16: Just to clarify any possible confusion, we will be OPEN as planned for worship services this weekend and following weekends in the foreseeable future.
UPDATE: Thursday, July 2: Due to Governor Wolf’s new mandates, all of our indoor services will be masks-required. Our Saturday night service will be offered outside; we ask that you observe 6′ social distancing and and masks are recommended, but not required. We are no longer asking our church family to register in advance for any service. See full details here: REGATHERING AT KSC
UPDATE: Sunday, June 28: We are ready to offer sign-ups for in-person worship services on Saturday and Sunday, July 11 and 12. Learn more about the services and see the link to sign up: IN-PERSON WORSHIP
UPDATE: Sunday, June 21: The Green Phase is here! This is a big milestone. See the Green Phase plans here: GREEN PHASE
UPDATE: Sunday, June 7: King Street Church is excited to announce our Plan to Regather, which will include an outdoor celebration on Sunday, July 5, and in-person services the following weekend. See the description here: REGATHERING AT KSC
UPDATE: Wednesday, May 27: King Street Church is excited to move to the Yellow Phase along with the rest of Franklin County on Friday, May 29. We are excited to open our facilities to groups of 25 or less. See the full list of guidelines and a registration form: YELLOW PHASE
UPDATE: Thursday, April 9: After much discussion and prayer, today we launch an initiative to support our local medical professionals at the Chambersburg hospital. Once a week for five weeks we will pay for the hospital staff to receive free meals through the Micro Market. $15,000 grand total has been committed to this important project. This is one way that we can engage and bless our community – those on the front lives who are working hard to save lives. This act of love is an outgrowth of the Gospel’s work in our lives, to do good deeds, just as the Lord commanded us at the Last Supper in John 13:34, “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”
UPDATE: Wednesday, April 1: A variety of “virtual” Easter events have been planned, so that we can worship the Lord and experience His resurrection in a deep way even while we are staying at home. During Holy Week, the church family will be encouraged to read specific chapters out of Matthew and Psalms. We will hold an online Maundy Thursday service on Thursday, April 9. with Pastor Jody and his wife Caryn. We will share communion in our own homes, but still together. On Friday, April 10, we will offer “Stations of the Cross” through Transforming Center. The church body will be invited to download a PDF guide written by Ruth Haley Barton with Scripture and prayers for each Station of the Cross; there will also be a link to a podcast with profound insights. Of course, an Easter celebration on Sunday, April 12, will bring Holy Week to a triumphant close.
UPDATE: Saturday, March 21, at 6:00 pm: Families can receive materials for their children on SUNDAY morning by clicking a link that will be posted on our Crosswalk Kids Facebook page: Crosswalk Facebook (This link will only be active on Sunday.) Middle school and high school students are encouraged to connect with @thestreetsm on FB https://www.facebook.com/thestreetsm/ or Instagram https://www.instagram.com/thestreetsm/ We are also hosting live online gatherings every Wednesday night from 7-8 pm for students in 6-12 grades.
UPDATE: Thursday, March 19, at 10:00 am: King Street Church has closed both the church building and administrative office to cooperate with Governor Wolf’s mandate directed at all “non-life-sustaining businesses.” Be assured — we are excited to worship with you *online* this Sunday morning (and every Sunday) at 8:00 am, 9:30 am, and 11:00 am. We believe that the work of the Church was never been more crucial, and staff members will be working remotely to ensure that we can continue to support our church family in our collective mission. We plan to be creative in using social media, our website, and other digital venues to connect, offer service opportunities, and help each other through this challenging season. WE ARE THE CHURCH! Let’s meet back right *here* on Sunday morning to worship God together and to pray for our country.
UPDATE: Monday, March 16, at 1:00 pm: After significant prayer and discussion, we have made the difficult decision to suspend our in-person worship services on Sunday, March 22. This includes Sunday school classes and programs for children and students. We will be holding ALL of our services online: traditional at 8:00 am, and contemporary at 9:30 and 11:00 am. We hope that our church family will make plans to worship with us LIVE at one of these services.
We want to respect and abide by the CDC’s national recommendation restricting gatherings of 50 or more people. With this in mind, we will not be holding any *other* gatherings of 50 or more this week, including Celebrate Recovery, the Orphan Care & Adoption meeting, GriefShare, and programs for children and students.
LIVESTREAM Worship Services
Should you choose to stay home, there are many ways to watch KSC worship services. We have our own channels on Apple TV and Roku. You can also watch live on Facebook, or right here on our site: WATCH LIVE
Finding our Confidence in Him!
A problem like the coronavirus/COVID-19 can be scary, but even as we employ wise practices, we also hold fast to the truth of Scripture, that our God is in control of our lives and we can put our trust in Him! Pastor Don Baker has asked that we meditate on this passage from Jeremiah 17:7-8:
“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,
whose confidence is in him.
They will be like a tree planted by the water
that sends out its roots by the stream.
It does not fear when heat comes;
its leaves are always green.
It has no worries in a year of drought
and never fails to bear fruit.”
Pastor Don further offers, “Keep praying for the Lord to stay this virus – for healing for those infected, for comfort for the mourners, for followers of Jesus to minister grace and compassion, for God to glorify Himself through all of this.”
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