What is RESET?

Jesus tells us in John 10:10 that, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly.” We can all point to personal or circumstantial attacks from our common “thief” that seek to steal abundant life away from us. Maybe it’s an emotional issue like anxiety or anger. Maybe it’s a situational issue like a wayward child, a challenging season in marriage, or being stuck after a divorce. Maybe it’s fear from the world swirling around us. Maybe it’s related to an addiction or abuse. Our enemy’s toolbox can seem unending.

We all get stuck or have setbacks as we seek to follow Jesus. Some of us have a new area where we want to grow. Some of us feel like we’ve been trying to heal forever and hope can feel diminished. But when Jesus offers abundant life, he is offering it for the here and now. He has come and kingdom life is available today!

While our enemy’s toolbox can seem full, we are not left without hope. Jesus offer us the cross and the community!

RESET is a worship service and support system that has a goal the lifting up of Jesus as our hope in the mess. At RESET, we are building safe environments to be real and to name what’s broken. We are building upon Jesus as our foundation when everything else is shaking. We are building an authentic community, a family, a place to belong.

On any given night, RESET is filled with a wide variety of participants:

  • Those who are hurting and need encouragement
  • Those who feel stuck and need to be pulled out of the rut
  • Those seeking to be energized in their walk with Christ
  • Those who are experiencing an addictive behavior and need brothers or sisters who understand the journey to come alongside them
  • Those looking for Christian friendship


Abundant life comes in doing life together. For real. With Jesus. Join us at RESET!


Serve with RESET

To see opportunities to serve with RESET, visit Service Central:  Serve with RESET

Monday Nights at RESET

RESET meets on Monday nights at 6:30 pm in the Student Ministry Center at King Street Church.  Childcare is available.  

6:30 pm:   Large Group Worship

Our worship at 6:30 pm looks very much like a Sunday worship service, but there is definitely a RESET twist.  We enjoy many traditional “church” elements as well as aspects that are unique to our healing culture.  We share in worship, communion, baptisms, and prayer.

We sometimes watch video testimonies from believers in other churches, and occasionally we hear dynamic stories of faith from our own participants.  We also hand out “God Tag” reminders to those who share short testimonies of faith and victory.

7:00 pm:  Participants break out into support groups.

At 7:00 pm we break out into small groups which always include a men’s and a women’s group. While those who attend the groups may be of different ages, backgrounds, and dealing with different struggles, we have found that a rare closeness has grown around the time of confidential sharing.  It’s been amazing to see how often participants will understand the same emotions and challenges.  God has truly blessed these times together.

Core Care Groups

Groups change based on attendance and leadership but our most regular ones include the following, which meet weekly unless otherwise noted:

  • Women’s Mixed Issues 
  • Men’s Chemical Dependency
  • Men’s Mixed Issues
  • Men’s Grief Support
  • Co-ed Parents’ Groupmeets bi-weekly
  • Women’s Group: Women of Faith & Friendship A group of women meets every other week from 7-8 pm in M24 and together study Brennan Manning’s book Abba’s Child: The Cry of the Heart for Intimate Belonging.  God loves each of us and accepts us just as we are! This group — facilitated by Andrea Allen and Susanna Allen — offers a chance to journey toward greater freedom from worry, and support one another along the way. To help us plan, sign-up HERE.


Situational Support Groups

Situational Support Groups offer support in areas where our circumstances are deeply impacting our lives or our spiritual/emotional health. 

  • GriefShare: It may be hard for you to feel optimistic about the future right now. If you’ve lost a spouse, child, family member, or friend, you’ve probably found there are not many people who understand the deep hurt you feel. This can be a confusing time when you feel isolated and have many questions about things you’ve never faced before. GriefShare groups meet weekly to help you face these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life. This group will meet from September 9 – December 2 downstairs in M29. You are encouraged to join us on any week. Sessions are self-contained. Register HERE or call the church office 717-264-4651.
  • Parents of Prodigals:  For parents and families facing challenges with adult kids. Meets every other week. 

Community Care Groups

Community Care Groups are facilitated by partners in our community who offer support and assistance in a variety of areas. All who attend are invited to participate in the whole RESET evening.

Conquer: Conquer is a video and discussion format for men who are looking for freedom from lust, pornography or sexual addiction. It is also a valuable tool for fathers and grandfathers concerned about how to help their kids and grandkids navigate this issue in our culture.