Q: How do I give Offering/Tithe online?
Visit this page. You will be able to select what fund you would like to give to.
Q: Can I use Online Giving to give a one time gift or is it only for recurring giving (weekly, monthly, etc.)?
You can use Online Giving to give a one time gift and/or set it up to assist you as you give on a recurring basis.
Q: What are the benefits of using Online Giving for my weekly/monthly giving?
- You are following the Biblical teaching of giving your “first fruits.” Setting up an automatic withdrawal from your credit card or check card provides an opportunity for us to choose to give our “first fruits” by automatically giving at a specified time.
- You are taking a step of faith. When you set up a recurring giving payment you are deciding in advance to faithfully give and to trust God to provide for all your needs instead of giving only if you have some money left over after all the bills are paid. God always blesses that kind of faith.
- You will simplify your life. You will faithfully give at certain times each month and will not have to remember to write your check and/or bring your offering envelope each week. It also helps make it easier to give if you have missed church for some reason.
- You will be helping the church. Your regular and consistent financial support allows for the church to fulfill its purpose of making reproducing disciples of Jesus Christ. It also helps simplify our bookkeeping at the church.
Q: When would this automatic contribution be charged to my account?
On the signup screens, you can specify whether you want your contribution made one time, or monthly. If you make a one-time contribution, the payment comes out within 24 hours. If you sign up for an automatic monthly contribution, it comes out on that day each month.
Q: Can I change or discontinue my Online Giving once I set it up?
Yes. Log on to the Offering/Tithe site and you will see a list of your scheduled recurring Online Giving. You can cancel your recurring scheduled Online Giving. Changes are made immediately.
Q: How can I keep a record of the amount I have contributed?
At any time you can view your record of “online” giving by viewing the Contribution History box. This will provide each donation you made, when you made it, and a year-to-date total. We also send year-end statements to your home.
Q: What is the Generation Next Step Fund and what is it used for?
The Generation Next Step (GNS) Fund was created and exists to receive donations for the purpose of continuing the next phase of the Generation Next Step growth and expansion project. Simply put, the GNS Fund is used to pay for future building projects.
Q: Can I give to Generation Next Step?
Yes. In the fund drop down menu, select Generation Next Step. You will need to set up two different transactions if giving a one time gift to give to both Offering/Tithe and the Generation Next Step Fund online.
Q: Can I give to Missions?
Yes. In the fund drop down menu, select Missions. You will need to set up two different transactions if giving a one time gift to give to both the Offering/Tithe and the Missions Fund online.
Q: What is the Samaritan Fund?
Deacons distribute these funds to those experiencing financial emergencies within the church, to participants in Local Outreach Commission Ministries and to local ministries in the community. These include KSC partners and attenders, participants in the Agape English Program and After School Program and the Salvation Army.
Q: Can I give to the Samaritan Fund?
Yes. In the fund drop down menu, select Samaritan Fund . You will need to set up two different transactions if giving a one time gift to give to both Offering/Tithe and the Samaritan Fund online.
Q: Can I use my debit card or credit card?
Yes, as long as it is Visa, Discover, MasterCard, or American Express.
Q: Who do I talk to if I have more questions?
You can call Dan Gehris, our Business Manager, at 717.264.4651 ext. 205 or you can email him at dgehris@kschurch.org.