Men’s Ministry

The men of King Street are committed to Defending the Truth. Throughout the year, groups meet to study and grow together and to serve others in our church and community.

Band of Brothers
Wednesday Evening Study

On Wednesday, September 11, our men will resume meeting weekly. They will start the year with a series by David Platt called “Faith Foundations — 10 Essential Christian Truths.” Whether we’ve been Christians for years, discovered faith in Jesus recently, or are still wondering what it’s all about, we share similar questions about why and how to live out our faith. We wonder: What are we made for? What does it look like to know God deeply? Why are we called to reflect his light to those around us—and how do we do that? Join author and pastor David Platt in his ten-session series as he examines foundational truths for becoming mature disciples of Christ. The group meets each Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm in M27.

Sunday Community

At both 9:30 and 11:00 am, we offer a variety of adult Sunday School classes. These smaller groups are a great way to get to know others in the church and to build community. For more information, click here.

Weekly Devotional

We are blessed that a member of Band of Brothers, Fred Ailes, writes weekly devotionals for our men, to encourage and challenge them in their walk with Christ. Click to read: Men’s Devotional

Serving Others

Following the directive of James 1:27  to care for widows and orphans, the Men to Mend Ministry seeks to bless our widows through assistance with tasks like oil changes, home maintenance and repairs, landscape chores – even simple things like a male voice on an answering machine. For more information on how to volunteer with Men to Mend, contact the church office.



Join us this Fall for BibleTalk’s first co-ed class! The Power of Inductive Bible Study: A Workshop for Spiritual Growth will meet on Tuesdays, 6:30-8:00 pm, from September 10-November 19 in room M4.  The class is a deep dive into understanding and applying Scripture using what Bible teacher Jen Wilkin calls, “the best method for studying the Bible.” It’s an 11-week study designed to help you encounter the living Word on a personal level and gain deeper insight into the Lord’s will for your life.

You will be required to do individual work before the Tuesday evening meetings. The goal is for you to experience Jesus through the pages of God’s Word with other brothers and sisters who want to love God not just with their hearts but also with their MINDS.  Space is limited!  Sign up HERE.

“Grow in His Word” – Postponed until February

This study is for both men and women, and covers the Old Testament from Genesis to Esther. Using Dennis Miller’s “Grow in His Word” materials, we will examine the history of God’s chosen people in a series of thirteen lessons. If you are struggling with understanding the “big picture” or are curious about the flow of the Bible, then this study is for you.  This study does involve preparation work for each week’s lesson.  Classes will be offered in February; watch for details.  Adam Leeper will facilitate the class.

In order for us to have the needed materials available, please register HERE or call the church office (717-264-4651).