READ: MATTHEW 26: 31-35 AND 69-75

Peter, Jesus replied, “The truth is, this very night, before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times.

“MARYLAND IS FOR CRABS” bumper stickers appeared a few years ago as the state endeavored to increase tourism.  They were not implying the state was full of “crabby people,” but referring to the Blue Crab, a wonderful Epicurean delight from the bounty of the Chesapeake Bay.  While these creatures steamed and spiced are quite tasty, they also made their way into my ethics presentation for incoming police recruits.  Really, you say, “crabs and ethics?”  Makes no sense at all.

Mr. Blue Crab was safe and secure in the waters of the Chesapeake Bay, until one day, in search of food he wonders into a crab trap.  Suddenly, without warning, he finds himself in a basket with other crabs heading for dry land.  He is taken from the basket and put into a pot of cold water.  The he is doused with spice and heat is applied to the pot.  When the water grows progressively hotter the crab instinctively realizes the danger and tries to escape—but it’s far too late.

Police recruits are constantly reminded of the high expectations placed upon them by virtue of their position.  Then comes graduation day.  The new officers enter the real world of policing.  Quickly, they find they are dealing with real people and situations.  Suddenly, and most times without a lot of warning, they find themselves making potential life and death decisions far from the comfort of Academy scenarios.  At this point they begin to feel the heat within the pressure cooker of their chosen profession.  The heat associated with serving the public with integrity, dedication and honor never truly abates from day one until retirement.  More pressure is added as the new officers seek to be accepted by their peers.  Unfortunately, some succumb to the influence of a few whose only dedication is to themselves.  They make compromises in their conduct, and like the crab, find there is no escape from the boiling waters of ethical concession.  They are now a detriment to the department and the community they have sworn to serve.

Peter’s questioning in the courtyard, on the night of Jesus arrest, was a test of his Christian faith and dedication.  While his action of denial was a surprise, given he was the most vocal and aggressive follower of Christ, fear and uncertainty about the future caused him to take the easy way out.  While in the secure company of Christ and the other disciples, it was easy to rashly declare he would never abandon Jesus.  Jesus knew better.  When the heat reached the boiling point, Peter bailed out not once, but three times!!  Does this situation sound familiar to you—it does to me.  But do not despair for God is patient and forgiving.  Look how Jesus used Peter to become the “Rock of His Church.”


How have you reacted when the pot got hot?

Dear Jesus, give me the strength and courage to live a life of uncompromised faith for you.

You’re Brother in Christ,

Fred Ailes