Serving is one of our core values here at King Street Church. You can always find a more detailed list of our current ministry opportunities on Service Central, our website of opportunities to serve our church and our community. Our most common areas of need here at the church include:

WELCOME MINISTRIES: Our Welcome Team members are the first faces that folks see as they enter our facilities. A welcoming word and a smile let them know that we are glad they have come! Our welcome team helps our guests to feel at-home at KSC, and they also help our services to run smoothly. Most of our Welcome Team volunteers serve as part of a rotating team each month.
Some of the roles include:
- Door Greeters: stationed at the exterior doors and welcome folks as they enter
- Lobby Hosts: stationed at the Welcome Centers in the Narthex and Baker Center; answer questions and provide directions as needed

WORSHIP ARTS: We need over 100 people every week to serve on Sunday mornings, so yes! we can use your help! There is an online application for this area of ministry: Worship Arts
MEDIA: Help behind the scenes at a worship service. Volunteers assist with the sound system, operate video cameras, forward screens for lyrics during songs, and much more. We provide training. Contact Tyler Roberts, Media & Production Director.

CHILDREN: We always need teachers/assistants for Sunday morning classes, and nursery helpers. We also need people to help parents with the check-in process. A number of volunteers are needed to run our After-School program. To find out more about current needs or to schedule a “test drive,” contact Becky Hann, Director of Children’s Ministries.
YOUTH: Be a teacher, assistant, or a “Road Crew” worker. Email Lauren Zook, Associate Director for Students & Young Adults, for information.