Engaging and Blessing at KSC
Internal Outreach Opportunities:
Engaging and blessing our community with the Gospel is our mission. You will see this passion portrayed in a wide variety of local and international ministries. The following list is our internal ministries — those that are run by our own staff and parishioners. If you have questions or would like to get involved, email Adam Keath, Director of Restoration and Recovery or call (717) 264-4651.
- After-School Program: During the school year, we offer children from Ben Chambers Elementary homework help, a warm meal, and friendly interaction.
- Agape English Program: Throughout the week, we love our neighbors by helping them to learn English— all for the glory of God.
- Basketball Ministry: We welcome students from the community onto our teams, many of whom do not know Christ as their Savior. Our basketball teams allow us to build relationships with the students and share the love of Christ with them.
- Deacons Ministry: KSC is blessed to have a team of deacons that assist in distributing monies to those in need in our church (members and long-term attenders). Funds come through donations.
- Once More Ministries: OMM shares the love of Jesus and builds relationships by providing toiletries to those in need in our community. They collect donations year-round in bins located in the church lobbies, and accept monetary donations as well.
- Orphan Care & Adoption Ministry: This group comes alongside families within KSC who are fostering or adopting children, and supports them with prayer, concern, and financial assistance. They also offer a support group for foster and adoptive families.
Local Partners:
The following ministries operate independent of King Street Church; they offer programs in the community that share our goals and values. We support each local partner financially and people in the congregation serve with them. If you have questions, email Jay Brown, Pastor of Mission and Discipleship, or call (717) 264-4651.
See the full list with links to their websites here: LOCAL PARTNERS
- Child Evangelism Fellowship
- Circles
- Chambersburg Cold Weather Shelter
- CROSS, Inc.
- DiscipleMakers
- Franklin County Jail Ministry
- Fruitbelt Farmworker Christian Ministry
- Habitat for Humanity
- House of Grace
- Joy-El Ministries
- Monarch’s Way
- NETwork
- Noah’s House
- Pregnancy Ministries
- Rhodes Grove Camp
- Salvation Army
- She’s Somebody’s Daughter
- Sweet Grace Ministries
- UnComMin
- Young Life
We offer opportunities to serve at SERVICE CENTRAL.
Global Missions:
Jesus said in Mark 16:15, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” We have a rich legacy of involvement in fulfilling this global calling. Now, as we continue to answer the call that Jesus gave to his Church, we pursue four goals:
- To partner with local churches overseas and assist their vision for ministry
- To see the Gospel shared where it is not known and new churches established
- To care for the needs of the extreme poor
- To aid the persecuted Church through prayer and all other possible means
We support a variety of partners in global ministry, both individuals and organizations. Our partners are at work in diverse locations including Europe, Africa, Haiti, Russia, Thailand, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and the United States. They serve on a broad spectrum from sharing the Good News about Jesus where it is not known, to church planting, campus ministry, Bible translation, and social ministries that serve the needs of the very vulnerable.
It is our privilege to serve directly with these international partners:
- The Church of the United Brethren of Arcahaie, Haiti, and its school which serves over 200 church members and 250 students
- Orphan’s Tree ministry, in four Russian cities, serving orphan “grads” who have moved from the orphanage
to the challenge of living independently - Cool Shade of Life Church in Chiang Mai, Thailand, an ethnic Thai church serving its community and reaching out to other areas with the Gospel
- Our newly-formed Barnabas Team for Malawi is working with Cornerstone Ministries, Namikango Mission, and Ray of Hope Ministries.
Learn more about each ministry and get links to their websites at GLOBAL MISSIONS.
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