Haiti Missions Update

June 16, 2020 | KSC News, Engaging and Blessing

On Sunday, June 14, we celebrated the work that God is doing through our friends in Haiti with a video presentation. Several weeks ago the Missions Co-Mission sent a financial gift to our sister churches there to allow them to do ministry in their community. The church already receives a monthly amount to provide food to the students at their school, but food has become even more scarce during the shut-down order, and millions of people were in crisis.

Our sister churches in Arcahaie and Laurent were thrilled to receive resources that would allow them to give back to their community. They organized a food giveaway and even distributed water buckets with spouts – mobile sanitization stations – as most of the people do not have running water.

Even as we sought to bless our friends, they have blessed us with their testimony of hope in Christ. Hear these words from both pastors.

Pastor Senel wrote:

Having the opportunity to work with KSC has been a blessing to me and to my ministry, covid 19 is certain making things go from bad to worse around the world but God knows the plans he has for us, plans to make us prosper.

I was so happy during the past few days to be able to help the people in my church and in my community by providing food and tools to combat the virus. I took advantage to educate them about the virus and gave out the face masks, buckets, hand sanitizers. The feeding program was a heaven sent, lots of children are being fed daily with some of the adults included especially the elderlies.

60 to 80 children from the church and the surrounding areas are being fed daily. I gave uncooked food to some of the adults. The plastic bags that you see in the photos contain rice, beans, spaghetti, corn, arang [smoked fish], oil.

We are truly grateful to KSC for providing hope and love through their donations, I didn’t expect help from KSC during this covid era but God once again surprised me and for that I am eternally thankful to him for providing for us through KSC.

May God bless all of you and keep you safe.
Pastor Senel

Pastor Massillon wrote to Haiti Barnabas Team Leader Rodney Mose:

It’s a great pleasure to me to be able to write you this email, I am so thankful to KSC and you for making it possible for me to bring hope on so many faces, the distributions went well. I was able to distribute products such as face masks, hand sanitizers and buckets, these items came at such a good timing…

The program is so beautiful right now, it’s so satisfying to see all these people coming for food every day. I hope these pictures and videos will enable you to show our donators how much of a difference they made in our day-to-day life by simply caring for us the way they have been doing it for over 6 years now.

I have been able to feed 125 children daily in and outside while keeping the social distancing, and 40 to 50 adults and elderlies, the task has been huge but we have made it.

Once again I want to thank you and KSC on behalf of the UB Arcahaie church and the community of Archaie.

May God bless you my brother for being available to serve him and his ministry.
Pastor Massillon

Do you feel the hope and love radiating back from our brothers and sisters in Christ? These precious believers do not have a local support system upon which to rely. They did not get a stimulus check from their government. There is not an outpouring of food and resources being offered in their towns. As was mentioned already, most of them do not even have running water! If they were to get the coronavirus, they cannot count on being helped at a hospital; Haiti has just 60 ventilators for 11 million people.

And yet, Pastor Senel describes “but God once again surprised me and for that I am eternally thankful to him for providing for us…” Now THEY are the ones offering food and love in their communities. May we catch their humble and grateful spirit, and lift our own voices up to God for the great blessings He has given us! And may God continue the body of Christ — in Chambersburg, in Haiti, and around the world — to show the world that Jesus love us and gives us hope and a future!