Digital Worship Folder

August 29, 2024 | KSC News

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Sunday, September 1, 2024

Pastor Rob Gunkelman
“What’s the Point?”
Ephesians 3:14-21

Experience & Encounter

(These questions are an invitation to experience your life with God. Use them on your own or in community as you seek to follow Jesus.)

  1. Why is it important that we understand the love of God?
  2. Paul had a sense of humble desperation when he prayed in these verses. Have you ever prayed with humble desperation? What did that look like? What keeps you from praying that way on a consistent basis?
  3. What is the point of your life? Where do you find your purpose and your passion?


  • 8:00 am, Sanctuary (Traditional)
  • 9:30 am, Sanctuary and Baker Center (Contemporary)
  • 11:00 am, Sanctuary (Contemporary)

ONLINE SERVICES:  These services are available HERE, on Facebook, on YouTube, or through Roku/Apple TV apps.  

  • 8:00 am (Traditional)
  • 9:30 am (Contemporary)
  • 11:00 am (Contemporary)


Happy Labor Day

The church office and building will be closed tomorrow, September 2, and RESET will not meet.


TODAY in the Lobbies

Ladies, today you are invited to visit tables in the lobbies where leaders of our Women’s Ministry are waiting to meet you.  Get a brochure that describes the current focus and goals, and hear about upcoming opportunities to connect as women of God (including the Women’s Prayer Night on September 12)!  You will learn how we intend to “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2)


Prayer Tables

We believe that God works powerfully through prayer.  There is a table in each of our worship spaces and you’re invited to use it to take or leave a Prayer Card.

  • TAKE ONE: We hope it will become our church practice to pray for each other. You can choose to take a card home and pray over the request, or to take one at the beginning of the service and return it before leaving.
  • LEAVE ONE: If you have a REQUEST or PRAISE that you’d like us to pray for, please fill out the card and leave it on the table (you do not have to provide your name.)
  • As always, you can submit a request to our online Prayer Wall at, or text “pray” to (717) 401-7777.


PrimeTimer Events

The Senior Adult Ministry at King Street Church, known as The PrimeTimers, is a vital part of our church culture.  While they specialize in activities for our mature community, anyone over the age of 21 is invited to attend.  Here are some events with upcoming deadlines!  To reserve for either event, call Frances Humelsine at (717) 263-8633.

  • Sight & Sound Trip to See Daniel: Wednesday, October 16, departing 7:45 a.m. from Weis Market parking lot. We will see the 11:00 am performance at Sight & Sound, then a late lunch at Bird-in-Hand Family Restaurant.  The cost is $170 and includes your show ticket, meal, transportation, and gratuities.  Just get on the bus, and everything else is taken care of for you.  We are so blessed to be near this amazing theater with shows that glorify God.  Reserve your spot today.
  • September Picnic:  Do you like a good picnic with amazing food?  Then come to the picnic on Wednesday, September 11, at 12 noon at Greene Township Park, pavilion 2.  We will have fried chicken, mac-n-cheese, and more good stuff!  The cost is $10 — reserve your spot by September 6.


KSC Ladies’ Garden Party

Get to know the women you pass in the halls of King Street Church!  Women who attend KSC (aged 18+) are invited to Country Creek’s Flower Garden for an evening of getting to know one another better, arranging flowers, and tasting fresh garden dishes.  The event is Friday, September 13, from 6-8:00 pm; cost is $15 will cover the flowers and an array of beverages. Bring a mason jar/vase, a garden-inspired dish to share, and a heart open to making a new friend. We really want this to be a chance for ladies in our church family to share in community, so we ask that you not invite outside guests, just this once!  Space is limited; register HERE.


Serve September – Donate Jackets

For the month of September, The Porch Young Adult Ministry is serving our community – and they invite the church family to participate!  The first project is visiting with the Fruitbelt Farm Workers Work Camps and they have requested donations of new or gently-used jackets for their workers.  (We have plenty of blankets already.)  You can deposit your jackets in a bin outside of the Student Ministry Center through Wednesday, September 4. The SMC is located on the lower level of the Baker Center wing.


Fall Bible Studies

  • MEN & WOMEN: Grow in His Word: Thursdays at 7 pm (M4), beginning September 12: This study covers the Old Testament from Genesis to Esther.  Using Dennis Miller’s “Grow in His Word” materials we will examine the history of God’s chosen people. If you are struggling with understanding the “big picture” or are curious about the flow of the Bible, then this study is for you.  There is preparation work for each week’s lesson.  So that we can prepare materials, please sign up HERE.
  • WOMEN: Book of 2 Samuel: Tuesdays at 10 am (M31), beginning September 10: We will pass out lessons at the “Meet and Greet” on Sept. 10 (just bring your Bible!).  The study will begin the next week on September 17 at 10 am.  In order for us to have enough materials available, please register HERE ONLINE. The study will continue each Tuesday morning during the school year, ending at the end of April. The study is led by Deb Baker and Joyce Cooper.
  • MEN & WOMEN: BibleTalk: Tuesdays at 6:30 pm (M4) beginning September 10: The Power of Inductive Bible Study: A Workshop for Spiritual Growth is a deep dive into understanding and applying Scripture using what Bible teacher Jen Wilkin calls, “the best method for studying the Bible.” It’s an 11-week study designed to help you encounter the living Word on a personal level and gain deeper insight into the Lord’s will for your life. Led by Eloisa Rice.  You will be required to do individual work before the Tuesday evening meetings. The goal is for you to experience Jesus through the pages of God’s Word with other brothers and sisters who want to love God not just with their hearts but also with their MINDS.  Space is limited!  Sign up HERE.
  • MEN: Faith Foundations: Wednesdays at 7 pm (M27), beginning September 11: Our men’s group will start the year with a series by David Platt called “Faith Foundations — 10 Essential Christian Truths.” Whether we’ve been Christians for years, discovered faith in Jesus recently, or are still wondering what it’s all about, we share similar questions about why and how to live out our faith.  Join author and pastor David Platt in his ten-session series as he examines foundational truths for becoming mature disciples of Christ. See the video trailer on our page.
  • WOMEN: Book of James: Wednesdays at 7 pm (M28), beginning September 11: In this intermediate level study, we will dig deeper into Scripture using the “5 Ps of Sound Study” as outlined in the book, Women of the Word, by Jen Wilkin. Classes include small group discussions and prayer time; daily home study is part of the learning plan. The goal is for women to become confident in handling the Word, increase in biblical literacy, and grow as disciples of Jesus. Carol Kirkpatrick & Jan Wolfe will facilitate. Please sign up HERE.
  • WOMEN: Lead Me, Holy Spirit: Thursdays at 8 am (M9), beginning September 12: This group meets every other week from September to June. They will be finishing up a Beth Moore Study on the book of James in September and October. Then they will begin Stormie Omartian’s study called Lead Me, Holy Spirit for the rest of the year. Facilitated by Pat Bowers and Sharon Love. Questions, contact Sharon.



This support group is for those who have lost a loved one. Find help and healing among those who understand your grief on Monday nights at 6:30 pm, beginning Monday, September 9, downstairs in room M29. Register online HERE or call the church office at (717) 264-4651. If you know of someone who might benefit from this, please invite them (participants don’t have to attend King Street). The group meets for 13 weeks.


Support OMM

Once More Ministries is a King Street-led ministry that shares the love of Jesus by providing toiletries to people in need in our community. Our next distribution is Saturday, September 14, and we are in need of donations.  We are seeing a significant increase in people attending our distributions. The need is very great!  There are two ways to help:

  • Shop our Amazon Wish List.  Choose from the selected items/quantities and Amazon can deliver the items directly to the church.
  • If you prefer to shop in-person, pick up a list of needed items, which is available at the bins in the lobbies (also in the latest Messenger!)


Serve with Children’s Ministry

Do you have a desire to see young people come to know and love Jesus? We  would like to connect with you!  Perhaps you are curious about what may be involved in serving — and even try it out — without having to make a commitment.  That can be arranged! You can visit a preschool or elementary class on Sunday morning and get the full experience, no strings attached.  We are opening new classes this fall and need teachers and helpers in all areas!  We are also looking for small group leaders for our Wednesday evening KidzConnect for elementary students. Reach out to Becky Hann. It is our desire to find a perfect fit for you, so that you can impact the next generation for Jesus in the way that God has designed your life!


Choir Opportunities

  • Adult Choir: Do you love to sing praises to God? Does music speak to your heart? Maybe KSC choir is for you! All ages and levels of ability are welcome. Our desire is simply to glorify our Lord. Please come and try it out! Rehearsals begin on Tuesday, September 10, at 7 pm in the Choir Room (M7). Questions, call or text Liz Brown (717) 816-1368.
  • Kids Choir offers children in grades 1-5 a chance to learn more about music and worship, and use their energy to sing and move to the glory of God!  Kids choir is planning to begin rehearsals on Sunday, September 29, at 11:00 am in the Choir Room (M7).
  • Handbell Choir: Our awesome team of ringers support and encourage one another throughout the year. We will begin rehearsals on Tuesday, October 15, at 6 pm in the Choir Room (M7), and plan to play 3-4 times between October and the end of December. If you have questions, contact Andrea Mowen.


Children’s Ministry News

  • Sunday Mornings, we offer ministry for children in Nursery through 5th grade at 9:30 and 11 am.  If you are new to KSC, or don’t have the KidCheck app set up yet, you can register your kid(s) online and then pick up your nametags at the Baker Center Welcome Station. Find more info HERE.
  • KidzConnect for Kindergarten – 5th grade will resume this Wednesday, September 4. Doors to the CMC open at 6:45 pm; we meet from 7:00 – 8:00 pm. (If you are attending an adult study class at KSC on Wednesday PM, please contact Becky or Kristi; we can make arrangements for your child until your class is finished each week.) We are in need of Small Group Leaders to connect with the kids on Wednesday nights. Contact Kristi if you can help in this way.
  • Serve with KidMin! We are looking for Teachers, Helpers and Small Group Leaders in our Preschool and Elementary areasDo you have a desire to see young people come to know and love Jesus?  We would like to connect with you!  Perhaps you are curious about what may be involved in serving — and even try it out — without having to make a commitment.  That can be arranged!  You can visit a preschool or elementary class on Sunday morning and get the full experience, no strings attached.  We are opening new classes this fall and need teachers and helpers in all areas! If you would like to learn more about serving with our kids, reach out to Becky Hann.   It is our desire to find a perfect fit for you, so that you can impact the next generation for Jesus in the way that God has designed your life!


Student Ministries

  • Sunday GPS Groups:  Students in grades 6-12 meet at 9:30 for GPS Sunday School. Both groups start out in the SMC, then split into their various classes. During the 11:00 hour students are encouraged to attend worship or serve in a ministry area.
  • Wednesday Nights @ The Street:  Our Wednesday nights are kicking off this Wednesday, September 4th! All students in grades 6-12 are invited to join us for an evening filled with food, games, Biblical teaching, and community with friends and mentors. Doors open for students to hang out in the gym at 6pm. Food is served at 6:30 in the Student Ministry Center. Our program runs from 6:45-8:30pm.
  • Childcare: We need childcare helpers to serve once or twice a month on Wednesdays from 6:15 – 8:30 pm. These helpers watch our small group leaders’ children so they are able to serve students. Please reach out to Lauren if you can help.
  • Learn more about Street activities or learn how you can be part of the Road Crew on our page.


The Porch Young Adult Ministry

Our young adult ministry meets on the first/third Thursdays of the month at 7:00 pm, usually in the Student Ministry Center.  All young adults are welcome; you don’t have to attend KSC to come!  Learn more about The Porch HERE.

  • Serve September: During September, we will be serving our community on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays when we normally gather for large group. Watch for details on where to meet.


RESET on Monday Nights

RESET is a worship service and support system that lifts up Jesus as our hope in the messiness of life. It’s a safe place to heal, to grow, to start over, and to thrive.  We are a community that admits our issues and works on them together. We meet on Monday nights:  worship at 6:30 pm and open share groups at 7:00 pm.

  • Join us for our annual picnic, Monday, September 16, at Greene Township Park, pavilion #2. Dinner will be provided; we will eat at 6 pm. It’s a great way to meet others in the Reset family and learn more about our vision for healing at King Street Church. This will replace our usual meeting.


Adult Sunday School

Sunday School classes are a place where adults can plug-in, make friends, become accountable, and share life with others. Classes serve as mini congregations that support missionaries, engage in ministries, and fellowship outside of class. We also offer Bible Studies for both men and women. See a list of adult Sunday School classes and links to the pages for men/women HERE.


“If My People” Prayer Group

Join the team here at KSC that prays for revival in our families, church, community, nation, and world. They meet on the second and fourth Mondays of every month at 7:00 pm in M21 including Monday, September 9 and 23.


Bible Reading Plan 2024: New Testament

It is important to read the Bible daily, and that is why we offer an annual Bible Reading Plan.  If you have never participated in the plan, we encourage you to join the more than 400 people who use these readings as part of their daily devotions.  If you are not already signed up to receive daily readings to your email inbox, sign up at  You can also receive daily text readings by texting DAILY to 717-401-7777.  A paper guide is available in the lobbies or right here:  New Testament 2024 Bible Reading Plan (pdf download)


Weekend Preview Emails

Most weeks, we send out a church email called the Weekend Preview which highlights a key event, ministry, or an element of upcoming worship services.  Often the information shared in this email is not offered elsewhere.  If you would like to receive the Weekend Preview, sign up here or text keyword PREVIEW to (717) 401-7777.


Hospital Visit?

If you are in the hospital, we would love to know so that we might visit you. The hospital will contact us if you designate King Street Church as your place of worship on your intake forms. You (or a loved one) can also call the church directly at 717-264-4651.


Stay in the Loop on The Hub!

Visit The Hub on our website for the latest featured videos, plus the digital worship folder, articles, and more.


How Are You Doing?

Our pastors are available to pray and discuss any concerns that are on your heart.  Please reach out if you need to talk.  Email Marsha Spangler, call the church office or complete the online form HERE. Contribute a request or pray for others HERE at the Prayer Wall.


Text to Connect: (717) 401-7777

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