Welcome! Here are a few things that will be helpful to know as you prepare to visit King Street Church.
WELCOME CENTERS: The place to start!
Because we are a large church with many ways to enter our facility, we have two main Welcome Centers in the Sanctuary and Baker Center lobbies, where our guests come to learn about different classes for adults and to get children signed into their age-appropriate classes.
If you have children, one of these Welcome Centers needs to be your first stop when coming into our facility. There are greeters at each of our main entrances; just ask one of them to direct you to the closest location. Please don’t hesitate to ask them for help!
At the Welcome Center, one of our volunteers will help you sign in your children according to age or grade. We have a computerized check-in system that will print name badges for your child and a parent I.D. tag for you. Once your children are registered, our volunteer will walk you and your child/children to their appropriate classes and then escort you to your class or Worship service.
Hold onto your parent I.D. tag; you must show your badge when you return to pick up your child. As well, should you be needed at any time that morning, the 3-digit number on your tag will appear on the box near the large screens in both the Sanctuary and the Baker Center.
For your first time visiting with us, we recommend that you arrive at least 20 minutes prior to the start of the worship service. This will allow you time to get your family where they need to be and you back to your service on time.
By completing the online registration form below, you can save time on Sunday morning. Simply complete the form and submit at least a day before your arrival, then stop by the Baker Center Welcome Station to pick up your tags. We will have them ready and waiting for you.