Baptisms – March 31, 2024
Below are the testimonies for those who were being baptized on Sunday, March 31, 2024. We celebrate with them as they take this step in their journey with Christ.
Recap Celebration Video
8:00 Sanctuary
Braxton Benshoff
I asked Jesus into my heart at Vacation Bible School last year. Since then, I have tried to be more obedient to my parents and teachers. I want to be baptized today to show the world that I am a Christian and want to follow Jesus.
9:30 Sanctuary
Elizabeth Sare
My name is Lizzie. I became a Christian when I was 5 years old and I was reading a story about Elijah. I said, “I want to go to Heaven.” So my mom told me how to accept Jesus. Since then, I have learned how to share better with my sisters. I want to be baptized today because it is what Jesus wants and I want to show people that I love Jesus.
Jeremiah Shew
Before I asked Jesus in my heart, I did not listen very well and sometimes did not follow the rules. I was 6 years old when I asked Jesus in my heart. I was with my mom in our house and we talked about how important it is to become a Christian. I needed to accept Jesus into my heart by believing in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. You have to believe He died on the cross for our sins and we did not deserve it. After becoming a Christian, I had a good feeling in my heart. It changed how I acted and how I pay attention to important things in life and what people have to tell me. God helped me get through tough times like when I lost someone I love, like my great-grandma, sibling, cats and rabbits. I learned He gave His life for us and we need to read the Bible more than we do. Being a Christian means being born again. I want to be baptized today to make a statement that I want to be born again and live for God.
Josiah Shew
Before I asked Jesus in my heart, I did not listen very well and I tried to be good but I didn’t have good focus. I don’t really remember the exact day that I asked Him into my heart, but it was at church. That day, we learned a Bible lesson about Jesus dying on the cross and the other criminal got to live in Heaven because he believed in Jesus. The teacher invited us to ask Jesus in our hearts and I prayed with the teacher. After becoming a Christian, He helped me in school when I was afraid of taking tests. I started acting better and not getting in trouble as much at school. I learned Jesus saves people and rewards people who obey Him. I want to be baptized today so everyone at the church knows I am a Christian and I’m promising to try to follow Jesus.
9:30 Baker Center
Canaan Coldsmith
I am 7 years old and attend Cumberland Valley Christian School. I don’t even remember a time before having Jesus in my heart. I’ve always been around people that have told me about Jesus— my family, my preschool, my church and at CVCS. I do know that I asked Jesus in my heart when I was a little kid. Now that Jesus lives inside me, I know not to give up and feel sad sometimes when I’m nervous and I want to cry. Sometimes at night, I get scared and then we pray to God and He helps me feel safe. Once, when I was trying to do something difficult, I was too nervous to ask for help and God helped me to not give up and I still had fun. I want to get baptized today because I heard and read about John the Baptist, and when I was at Camp Joy-El they talked about baptism and taught that when you come up from the water you are a new person and you can have a different path. Last year I saw people baptized at the outdoor service and I knew I wanted to do it too.
Sharian Lawson
Before I became a Christian, I got mad quicker and fought more with my brother and sisters. One week, at Bible Adventure, the teacher talked about the story of Nicodemus and being “born again.” I said that I wanted to ask Jesus to save me from my sin – to be my Savior. Since then, Jesus has helped me with my attitude with doing my chores, and how I deal with my brother and sisters. I learned about Jesus’ great sacrifice for me and I’m so grateful for His sacrifice. I want to be baptized today because I want to tell the world about my relationship with Jesus.
Tyler Morrow
I am 10 years old and attend Commonwealth Charter Academy. I go to church and grew up in a Christian family. I asked Jesus into my heart on the couch in my room with my mom. We prayed and talked about Jesus dying on the cross for our sins. Being a Christian means to learn more about Jesus and how He wants me to live. I want to be baptized today to show people that Jesus is in my heart.
Ethan Morrow
My name is Ethan, I am 12 years old and I attend Commonwealth Charter Academy. I have been raised in a Christian home. On January 18, 2024, I asked Jesus into my heart with my parents. One of the hardest things happening was my uncle passing away and that’s what is motivating me to be baptized. I asked Jesus into my heart and I want to show others that I am striving to follow God’s Word.
Kaelyn Coy
Hi, I’m Kaelyn Coy and this is my testimony. I’ve been going to church my whole life, but then during Covid, my family and I drifted away. I kept drifting farther and farther away from God, but then one random Wednesday in 6th grade, my friend Bella invited me to youth group. After that I just wanted to keep coming back because Pastor Rob inspired me so much. So I kept coming back and then I got asked by Bella if I wanted to go to Rhodes Grove Camp that year. I said sure and went. I kinda knew what it was about because I’ve gone before, but I loved it so, so much that I went again in 2023. During silent time at the end of the week, I got so inspired by the speaker that I really focused during silent time. So much so that I felt God’s presence on me, and started to cry. Bella came and talked to me; it was so uplifting I started to read and read my Bible. I went to church anytime I could and just barely made the cut for Winter Slam. But I’m so glad I did; the speaker was amazing. I went with amazing friends and on the last day, I got asked if I wanted to get baptized and I said sure. So here I am in 2024, getting baptized.
Melani David
Hi, my name is Melani David and I was born in a Christian family. I’ve seen and witnessed God’s miracles throughout my life. I realized I needed Jesus when I was around 11 years old and my grandpa died. When I heard about the news, it felt like I was frozen in time at the funeral. I felt a presence I hadn’t exactly felt before; it made me more eager to learn about God and find my way to Him. Once I turned 11, I was really introduced to His presence through going to church, praising Him by music and learning the stories in the Bible. Some of the ways I’m committed to the Lord is through my mother and family. My mom is my superhero and the best mom anyone could ask for; I’m forever blessed to be one of her four kids. Before me and my older brother were born , my mom was told that she couldn’t have kids. But she prayed and prayed to God for strength and wisdom, and here we are – four beautiful and healthy kids.
Another way I’ve seen God work in my life is in my big brother William. He was diagnosed with really bad asthma and had to go to the hospital from an asthma attack. I was fairly young at the time, so I didn’t really understand what was going on. But going into his hospital room and hearing the story that he had passed away for a few minutes then was brought back to life is really life-changing and scary for an eight-year-old. It really opened my eyes and showed me how easy it is to lose someone that fast. It makes you regret all the things you’ve done to possibly hurt someone in any way, which puts a bold statement in your mind. Only God knows when it’s the right time for Him to meet you in heaven. But God knew that we needed my brother still with us and as I grow older, it never leaves my mind. As I’m getting baptized today, I want to find out how living a teen life can be peaceful as I am fully devoted to Christ. I am very, very excited and eager for this day to come!
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you;” Isaiah 41:10
Jessica Rock
Hi, I’m Jessica Rock. I grew up as a little girl doing things to show God that I believed in Him, but never really knowing Him. I always wanted that intimate connection and overflowing love but was never brave enough to pray for it. It wasn’t until I stopped living for the world and started living for the Lord that I began to see things clearly. I’ve spent a lot of my 32 years analyzing myself. Suffering from anxiety and depression. Feeling like I’m not enough or I’m too much. Constantly looking for approval from others and doubting myself.
Now I know that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, because I am His. That is when I committed myself to Jesus. As soon as I opened my heart to Him, nothing but peace, joy, and love entered my soul. Now my goal is to raise my girls to know Jesus the same way. To love Him, to trust Him, and to seek Him. Philippians 4:6-7 says, “Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand.”
Thank you, Lord. Amen!