Jesus said in Mark 16:15, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”
At King Street Church, there is a rich legacy of involvement in fulfilling this global calling dating right back to the denomination’s earliest initiatives. Now, as we continue to answer the call that Jesus gave to his Church, we pursue four goals in global ministries:
- To partner with local churches overseas and assist their vision for ministry
- To see the Gospel shared where it is not known and new churches established
- To care for the needs of the extreme poor
- To aid the persecuted Church through prayer and all other possible means
As we seek to accomplish our stated goals overseas, we also work at home to: educate our congregation about the Great Commission and how our church can be involved; see people called and equipped for missions’ service; and disciple our members toward greater spiritual maturity through engagement in this work. Our Barnabas Teams are a key way that we involve members in serving a particular need or area of the world.
We support a variety of partners in global ministry, both individuals and organizations. Our partners are at work in diverse locations including Europe, Africa, Haiti, Russia, Thailand, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and the United States. They serve on a broad spectrum from sharing the good news about Jesus where it is not known, to church planting, campus ministry, Bible translation, and social ministries that serve the needs of the very vulnerable.
It is our privilege to serve directly with these international partners:
- The Church of the United Brethren in Haiti, and its affiliated school in Arcahaie, serving over 200 church members and 250 students
- Orphan’s Tree ministry, in 4 Russian cities and now in Kazakhstan, serving orphan “grads” who have moved from the orphanage to the challenge of living independently
- Cool Shade of Life Church in Chiang Mai, Thailand, an ethnic Thai church serving its community and reaching out to other areas with the Gospel
- Cornerstone Ministries, Namikango Mission and Rays of Hope Ministries in Malawi. Learn more about the new Malawi Barnabas Team!
- Operation Mobilization (OM) in Southeast Asia
If you would like to join us in our mission and support these initiatives through our designated missions fund, you may give online HERE or you can designate your check for “Missions.” Support is assigned to our partners and projects by our Missions Commission. We also support missions efforts through our annual church budget, and our adult Sunday School classes give significantly to many initiatives, as well.
If you would like information about Barnabas Teams or upcoming short-term trips to serve the needs of our partners, please email Jay Brown, Pastor of Missions and Discipleship.
Our international partners covet your prayer support as they seek to engage and bless their local communities with the Gospel. Each month, several of them share updates and specific prayer requests through our Messenger newsletter. You can find each month’s issue HERE.