162 E. King St., Chambersburg, PA, United States
3rd Tuesday of each month (Sept – May), 5:45 pm in M27: This group provides encouragement for those in the adoptive or foster care journey, no matter where you are in the process. Childcare and dinner are provided. Questions, contact Bethany Hanft at adoption@kschurch.org. Please note: weeks may change occasionally due to holidays
162 E. King St., Chambersburg, PA, United States
3rd Tuesday of each month (Sept – May), 5:45 pm in M27: This group provides encouragement for those in the adoptive or foster care journey, no matter where you are in the process. Childcare and dinner are provided. Questions, contact Bethany Hanft at adoption@kschurch.org. Please note: weeks may change occasionally due to holidays
162 E. King St., Chambersburg, PA, United States
3rd Tuesday of each month (Sept – May), 5:45 pm in M27: This group provides encouragement for those in the adoptive or foster care journey, no matter where you are in the process. Childcare and dinner are provided. Questions, contact Bethany Hanft at adoption@kschurch.org. Please note: weeks may change occasionally due to holidays