Men’s Ministry
The men of King Street are committed to Defending the Truth. Throughout the year, groups meet to study and grow together and to serve others in our church and community.
Band of Brothers
Wednesday Evening Study
On Wednesday, January 8, 2025, our men will begin a new study called “Mentoring in the Church.” This 6-week study includes short videos and discussion. Right Now Media says: “The course is designed to help you understand discipleship (fundamental to the mission of the church) and mentoring (an essential aspect of discipleship). It will help you consider the responsibility and importance of mentoring and provide practical insights into how mentoring works.” The group meets each Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm in M27.
Sunday Community
At both 9:30 and 11:00 am, we offer a variety of adult Sunday School classes. These smaller groups are a great way to get to know others in the church and to build community. For more information, click here.
Weekly Devotional
We are blessed that a member of Band of Brothers, Fred Ailes, writes weekly devotionals for our men, to encourage and challenge them in their walk with Christ. Click to read: Men’s Devotional
Serving Others
Following the directive of James 1:27 to care for widows and orphans, the Men to Mend Ministry seeks to bless our widows through assistance with tasks like oil changes, home maintenance and repairs, landscape chores – even simple things like a male voice on an answering machine. For more information on how to volunteer with Men to Mend, contact the church office.