Missions Update

July 12, 2023 | Uncategorized

Missions Update

By Jay Brown, Pastor of Missions &Discipleship

The Missions Commission is excited to give this update on our work with our partners and missionaries around the globe. Through your support, King Street Church is involved in a variety of projects that help bring Jesus to the unreached, support churches, aid the extreme poor, and encourage and assist Christians who are persecuted.

In each of the past 3 years, the Missions Commission has been able to provide over $100,000 in additional support (over our budget) to our partners thanks to your great generosity! This is a true testimony of gratitude for God’s abundance, and allows us to demonstrate our Biblical concern as a church for those who are the least reached with the Gospel, crushingly poor, or who suffer greatly.

All gifts to the Missions Fund are anonymous – we don’t know who has given – so we want to take this opportunity now to thank you for your generous support! To give to the Missions Fund, mark gifts “Missions”; you can also specify that through the website or by text. Again, thank you!


  • Russia – Orphan’s Tree added a 4th Ministry Center almost 2 years ago to reach young adult “orphan grads” who are trying to navigate life independently for the first time. The Russian staff has done an amazing job ministering to this vulnerable group through the disruption of Covid and now, the broad impacts of the war. 40 grads are now involved in the new Ministry Center!
  • Haiti – Our 16 UB churches in Haiti are suffering through intense social unrest and violence that makes daily life difficult and dangerous in some areas. Gratefully, the school at Arcahaie continues to function as we help provide student meals, and about 80 children are currently sponsored by King Streeters as well.
  • Haiti Earthquake Aid – Through your gifts (and matching amount by the church Board), the Missions Com-mission and the Haiti Barnabas Team were able to disburse over $168,000 in relief and rehabilitation in response to the deadly earthquake of 2021! 225 damaged homes were repaired, 2 UB church buildings repaired and strengthened, and educational and infrastructure services helped to get running again over the past 18 months. Thank you for this tremendous outpouring on behalf of our Haitian brothers and sisters! They send warm expressions of thanks as well.
  • Malawi – Rays of Hope and Cornerstone Ministries are focused on helping young people complete secondary school and beyond, and offer a variety of helpful programs to support that goal. Our third partner, Namikango Mission, disciples and trains church leaders to lead effectively in the country. They are transitioning their leadership to a Malawian ministry team after several decades! Rays of Hope and Namikango are also ministering in the wake of Cyclone Freddy which caused massive flooding and destroyed homes and crops.
  • Thailand – In this primarily Buddhist country, the Cool Shade of Life Church led by Pastor Ogaat continues to send outreach teams to the Isaan region. They have seen a great response to the Gospel in a place historically very resistant. The church also occupies its new plot of land in a strategic area and is working toward plans for a new building and community center to help reach Chiang Mai.
  • Restricted SE Asia – In this rugged area of the globe, our partner’s missionaries and national workers combine to take the Gospel into some of the remotest terrain imaginable. In parts of this region, the Gospel is illegal, and the risk of a confrontation with authorities is real. Despite that, over 500 new believers (!) put their faith in Christ last year and are forming small fellowships.
  • Persecuted Church – One goal of the Missions Commission is to aid, pray, and advocate for persecuted believers wherever they are under pressure around the globe. We channel tangible support primarily through two organizations, Open Doors and Voice of the Martyrs. They give physical aid where possible, and critical emotional and spiritual support to those who suffer trauma.


  • Emily Schoenleber has settled down, for the moment, from international travels and is serving with Global Catalytic Ministries from her location in Kentucky. GCM serves and resources the underground church around the world, opening the way for people to become disciples of Christ in the places where that is hardest.
  • K & RW continue to help train and encourage church leaders in Turkey, which has become much more restrictive toward the Gospel. K & R were forced to leave their personal ministry there a few years ago, and have now expanded their efforts to help churches through the Middle East.
  • HB is in her 2nd year of teaching English in a SE Asian country that is officially closed to the Gospel. She is seeing her relationships grow and finding opportunities to share her faith!
  • B & SP have a thriving personal ministry among a number of different people groups who have resettled in a Nebraska city while fleeing war, dictatorship, and persecution. Muslims, Yezidis, and others are learning about the grace of Jesus for the first time!
  • Roger & Marilyn Reeck – Officially retired after 50 years of ministry (!), Roger and Marilyn are still as busy as ever serving the Kingdom. Roger continues to advise Bible translations in progress, while Marilyn trains Central and South American church leaders in Trauma Healing aid, a significant Gospel outreach. All this happens as they bounce around Texas, Honduras, and who-knows-where.
  • Britton Hastings serves with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes bringing the good news of Jesus to high school students in areas of northern Maryland. Having a positive presence and influence for the Gospel has never been more important in the lives of our teens.
  • DC – The Missions Commission recently designated support for DC, son of a local UB youth pastor. DC is headed to an undisclosed part of the Middle East where few people know the Name of Jesus – yet this people group is renowned for their hospitality to outsiders. Pray for him as he raises funds and prepares to go with Good News!


Through your generosity, the Missions Commission also sends aid to areas of the world where man-made or natural disasters have struck bringing misery and destruction. Recent examples of this are the war in Ukraine or the devastating quakes in Turkey. The Commission also provides support to those engaging in short-term mission opportunities of various kinds. Thank you for all that you do in prayer and support to make these efforts possible!