Who Is Jesus? Colossians 1:15-23

10/08/2023|Pastor Rob Gunkelman

See the Colossians Overview Graphic from The Bible Project

Experience & Encounter

(These questions are an invitation to experience your life with God. Use them on your own or in community as you seek to follow Jesus.)

  1. How does knowing that the Creator of the Universe wants to use you to accomplish His perfect will make you feel? How are you positioning yourself so that you are able to be used by God?
  2. How can we protect ourselves from becoming immune to the wonder and awe of our salvation?
  3. Examine your life. Are you experiencing the abundant life that Christ talks about or are you lukewarm…1 foot in and 1 foot out? What might you change in your life to more easily experience the abundant life?
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Who Is Jesus? Colossians 1:15-23