The Church: The Essence of Who We Are (“The Phenomenal Privilege of Prayer” – Luke 18:1-18)

06/25/2023|Pastor Rob Gunkelman

Experience & Encounter
(These questions are an invitation to experience your life with God. Use them on your own or in community as you seek to follow Jesus.)

  1. What are some areas of the Christian life that have lost the awe and wonder in your opinion? What has simply become a routine or something to check off a list?
  2. If God knows what we need, why do we need to pray?
  3. Sit quietly for 10 minutes away from distractions and allow the Holy Spirit to guide your thoughts. What is He saying to you? Where does God want to lead you? What control do you need to turn over to Him? How does He want to use you?
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The Church: The Essence of Who We Are (“The Phenomenal Privilege of Prayer” – Luke 18:1-18)