The Church: The Essence of Who We Are (Generosity Unleashed: The Power of Giving – 2 Corinthians 8:1-8)

07/30/2023|Pastor Rob Gunkelman

Experience & Encounter

(These questions are an invitation to experience your life with God. Use them on your own or in community as you seek to follow Jesus.)

  1. Reflect back on times where you didn’t think you had the capacity to accomplish a task or to make ends meet. How did God provide in that time and how did that impact your faith?
  2. How has God uniquely created you to help accomplish His goal for King Street Church? How can you use your time, talents, and finances to come on mission with King Street Church?
  3. The tactic of the enemy is to give you a scarcity mindset. Where do you feel like you have the least to offer God (Time, Talents, Finances)? If you relied on God and out of an authentic love were generous in this area, how would that impact your life? What are some pros and what are some cons?
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The Church: The Essence of Who We Are (Generosity Unleashed: The Power of Giving – 2 Corinthians 8:1-8)