Abundant Life: Shared with Others – Blessed to Be a Blessing
Guest Speaker
Today we are privileged to welcome Pastor Steve Fish, Associate Director of UB Global, the missions arm of our United Brethren in Christ denomination. UB Global is an association of believers in nearly 20 countries who relentlessly pursue and inspire the fulfillment of the Great Commission. They seek to bring the fullness of the Good News to the Gospel-deprived and the highly unreached people groups.
Experience & Encounter
(These questions are an invitation to experience your life with God. Use them on your own or in community as you seek to follow Jesus.)
- Before we can share God’s blessing, we have to acknowledge the blessing that is already ours. Spend some time articulating how God has blessed you.
- How will living the full expression of the Beatitudes coupled with the understanding of God’s core desire to bless all people make Jesus so attractive to people who don’t know him?
- How will you be a blessing to others this week? Do you need to adjust anything in your own spiritual formation to allow others to experience or encounter God through you?