Current Sermon Series

On Sunday, October 1, our pastors began a new, in-depth sermon series on the book of Colossians.  Colossians is rick in theology and has much to teach us about Jesus and the Trinity. We will recognize that Paul, who wrote this book when he was in prison, knew what it was like to be strong in the midst of suffering. Most importantly, we will learn that Jesus is enough to sustain us. Join us for this series, presented by the team of pastors.

Malawi Overview (Live)

The Missions Commission and the Malawi Barnabas Team are presenting an overview of the work being done in Malawi, Africa on Sunday November 12 in the SMC at both 9:30 and 11:00.  Our guest will be Dr. Bruce Main, the President of Urban Promise International, whose organization has taken a lead role in establishing Christian ministries in Malawi.  Please join us for this informative event.

GriefShare Event

If you’ve lost a loved one, the prospect of facing the holidays can be very difficult.  Surviving the Holidays is a GriefShare workshop that offers advice, support, and encouragement.  We invite you to connect with others who understand what you’re going through.  This year’s event is Sunday, November 12, from 2-4:00 pm, downstairs in room M27.   To help us plan, we request that you RSVP.  Register online HERE or call the church office at (717) 264-4651.

Parenting Workshop

Our CrossWalk KidMin team is hosting a parenting workshop on the topic of “How to Parent in a Tech World” on Sunday, November 12, from 4-6 pm, upstairs in the Children’s Ministry Center (M229.) We will explore ways for your child to access technology so that you are able to maintain control, and discuss how to have positive conversations about technology with your children.  Please register online.

Operation Christmas Child

It’s time for shoeboxes! This annual project is very special for us here at King Street Church.  Every year we send nearly 2,000 boxes of gifts and Gospel booklets around the world.  You can pick up a box to fill in the lobbies; if you are unable to pack a physical box, you can even build a virtual shoebox online.  For more details, visit our special page.  The deadline to return your filled boxes to the lobby is Sunday, November 12.

Mass Choir to Sing November 19

Singers of all ages/abilities are invited to join the Mass Choir!  The choir will sing at services on Sunday, November 19. The rehearsal is Tuesday, November 14 at 7:00 pm. Please register HERE so we can email you a practice packet with an audio recording of your part. Questions, contact Bekah.

Night to Shine

This celebration for people with special needs is coming on Friday, February 9, 2024. Volunteers, it’s time to register!  (Guest registration opened a few weeks ago and was almost full at time of printing.)  There are many ways to serve and we are counting on lots of help!  Please visit the website and sign up to serve with us at this amazing event:

Women’s Conference

King Street is one of five churches hosting the Hope & Courage Women’s Conference on Saturday, March 16, 2024.  This conference is for women of all ages and stages.  See details and register at